- - maintained by Keeva (of Tree Bark Jacket); very good and through site
- Elitist Jerks Resto Druid Compendium - maintained by Hamlet; also very good and easy to read
- Restoration Druid Guide - maintained by Jasyla (of Cannot Be Tamed)
- Cataclysm - Resto Healing Guide - maintained by the author of Rank 4 Healing Touch
- Tree Bark Jacket - the Predominately Resto Flavored Adventures of a druid named Keeva
- Tree Heals Go Woosh - focus primarily on end-game Resto druid experiences in raiding, dungeons, and PvP
- FeralTree - Adventures and musings of a resto-feral druid in WoW.
- Cannot Be Tamed - a World of Warcraft blog dedicated to raiding, healing and restoration druids.
- Falling Leaves and Wings - Thoughts on healing, raiding, and being a resto druid.
- Restokin -
- Plus Heal - a general healing forum
- Official Blizzard Healing Forum
Specific Topic Resources:
- Evaluating Resto Druids with World of Logs - so now I have this log; how can I tell if I'm doing a good job?
- Spirit and Intellect Relationship: Understanding Up and Side Grades
- Barkskin Uses in Tier 11